College Visits = Happier Students
Right here in Iowa, you’ve got dozens of college options. But which college fits?
Tour Your Options
It’s not too early to schedule your college visits. The sooner you start touring colleges, the quicker you’ll find the college that fits you! Admissions staffs are happy to accommodate your schedule. Call to set up an appointment, tour and meet with an academic advisor now.
Start a virtual college tour here today,
Before you start your search, consider these smart tips:
- Start a list of college features you desire. Do you prefer a more personal student/faculty ratios, Greek life, sports, or special interest clubs?
- Jot down a few career goals. Find out how those goals fit with the college’s degrees, professors, study abroad programs and internship opportunities.
- Do the math on the “real cost” of college. Be sure to take everything into account. Are grants available to you, do students actually make it through in four years, what percentage of students receive non-refundable financial aid, do your grades, skills, interests give you power to negotiate (many privates are willing to take your special skills into account - they want you on their campuses).
- Get some special treatment. You’re important and so is your decision to attend college. Call the admissions offices and set up some time to meet personally with an admissions counselor.
- One Week - Many Visits. During the week of August 6-10, Iowa’s 28 private colleges host Iowa Private College Week, a weeklong event to visit with students and families. Make room in your summer calendar to attend!