
    Junior High Girls Track

    The Junior High Girls Track Team is eager to start the season. With a rain out last night, their first meet will be Thursday, April 19th in Onawa. In 18 days the girls will have 8 meets!
    April 19th- at Onawa
    April 23rd at Sloan
    April 24th at Kinglsey
    April 26- at Sloan (7th Grade Meet)
    April 27th at Lawton
    May 3rd at Correctionville
    May 7th at Mapleton
    May8th Conference meet at Lawton
    All meets begin at 4 pm, except the conference meet starts at 3pm.
    Please come out and support your Rebels! They have been working very hard all season to prepare for the meets.
    Abby Crawford was heard saying, " Wow, let's get this party started! I am ready to run fast!!"
    Newcomer seventh grader, Heather East, stated, "I wish they had the 2 mile run in junior high instead of just the mile run!"
    Good Luck Girls!
