For our first discussion I would like your opinion on "Pink Slime" or "LFBT".
Would you eat it? Why or why not?
Provide us with your opinion and some discussion points.
Make sure you give us your educated ideas and be ready to provide reaction to another student's post.
Your post will be due Monday APRIL 2nd by 8:30am. Your reaction to someone's opinion will be due by Tuesday April 10th
I have listed some possible resources you may want to use for research:
Mar 29, 2012
this is kyler and yes I would eat it because we eat it everyday of your lives, and it says it is 100% USDA iproved. So yes i would eat it.
kyler hobbs (unauthenticated)
Apr 12, 2012
i would eat it because we eat have eaten it before. We eat it all the time and it is 100% USDA approved.
Trevor Heck (unauthenticated)
Apr 12, 2012
I would eat the pink slime because we have been eating it for a long time and no one has gotten sick from it.
The meat is free from e-coli and 95 percent fat free. It is also USDA inspected beef.
I have no problem eating "pink slim" as we have been eating it for a long time.
Dan Witten
Apr 13, 2012
An Sci Students,
you may want to use the website for your research and discussion. There is lots of good info ont hat page.
Tabitha Hodges (unauthenticated)
Apr 16, 2012
I would eat the pink slime because we have eaten it for years so i dont see what the problem is with us eating it now if it was not good for us they would of known already
Dan Witten
Apr 16, 2012
For those of you who have posted, what research have you done to show us it is safe to eat?
Shea Topf (unauthenticated)
Apr 16, 2012
I would still eat this pink slime. I've been eating this meat for the last 16 years of my life. People are
making a big deal out of this for nothing. It's USDA approved, and nobody has gotten terribly sick off of it.
There's nothing wrong witht this meat.
Kyler Hobbs (unauthenticated)
Apr 16, 2012
I agree with Trevor because, it is just boneless meat trimmings and it is'nt going to hurt you ans is is USDA approved.
Danielle Folsom (unauthenticated)
Apr 17, 2012
I would still eat "pink slime". It's been out there for 40+ years and now people are making a big deal about it. I think people are just making a big deal for no good reason at all. It is safe and it's USDA approved. There are no big cases of anyone one getting sick from it either.
The Real Hunter East (unauthenticated)
Apr 17, 2012
I think pink slime is beef. We have been eating it scince early 1900s so there is no point to stop. just cause some lady wanted to complain about it, it lost 2 million jobs. i would eat it.
mckayla wood (unauthenticated)
Apr 17, 2012
yes i would eat it. we eat it all the time and it is a 100% aproved by the USDA
Sara Sterling (unauthenticated)
Apr 17, 2012
I think that the pink slime isn't a very big deal, it's been in meat for a long a time and nobody has brought it up as an issue until now, if they have waited that long then I dont think it's very important.It is USDA approved so it isn't a huge health issue.
Megan Polly (unauthenticated)
Apr 17, 2012
Alright so I did my research on it’s called Everything in Moderation. It talks about how someday we will all die of something so why stop eating red meat when veggies can also kill you. They said in this article that chicken nuggets also have this “slime” on them, so in reality we shouldn’t believe every picture we see that is passed around about this “pink slime”. BEEF IS BEEF.
megan polly (unauthenticated)
Apr 17, 2012
Alright so I did my research on it’s called Everything in Moderation. It talks about how someday we will all die of something so why stop eating red meat when veggies can also kill you. They said in this article that chicken nuggets also have this “slime” on them, so in reality we shouldn’t believe every picture we see that is passed around about this “pink slime”. BEEF IS BEEF.
Tanner DeVries (unauthenticated)
Apr 17, 2012
Yes i would eat it but sites have said that a report found that 70 percent of supermarket ground beef samples showed traces of the slime, further conflating outrage and concern. Also McDonald's and other fast-food chains have pledged not to use LFTB products in their restaurant. My dad's friend worked at tyson foods and he said with the stuff that they put in the meat he will not eat there anymore.My cited source is at
Trevor Heck (unauthenticated)
Apr 17, 2012
I agree with kyler we eat it all the time and no one has gotten sick from it.
hunter east (unauthenticated)
Apr 18, 2012
I agree with megan 102% with megan beef is beef
Megan Polly (unauthenticated)
Apr 19, 2012
The Real Hunter East, I would have to agree with you. We’ve been eating beef since god knows when and in today’s world you’d think we’d have the right kind of cooking equipment and know the right temperature to kill excess bacteria in the pink slime so none of us would be harm. If cave men back in the day could cook raw meet over a fire with just a stick then I would say it’s OKAY to eat pink slime the we cook over the grill, stove, oven, etc. BEEF IS BEEF & that’s all I’ve got to say.
Tanner DeVries (unauthenticated)
Apr 19, 2012
I agree with hunter we have been eating it since the 1900's. What is the point of stoping now? People who dont wanna eat it are just going to miss out.
mckayla wood (unauthenticated)
Apr 19, 2012
i agree with Trever kyler and everyone else that we eat it all the time and no one has gotten sick plus like sara said no one complained until now and we have been eating it for years
Danielle Folsom (unauthenticated)
Apr 20, 2012
Shea, I agree with you, I've been eating Pink Slime for 18 years of my life.
I don't get why all of sudden they are making a huge deal about it.
It is USDA approved and been around for 40+ years.