t's Finally Friday........
Has been a busy week around the Ag Dept...
The field trips to Kent Feeds and Pioneer seeds were great. I think the students enjoyed themselves. Thanks to Rich Uhl and Barry Worrell for serving as chaperones. Thanks to Dave and John @ Kent for the tour and Corey @ Pioneer for being our tourguide.
Survivor has been in full swing and it seems like the kids, both committee and contestants have been enjoying it. From the gross food challenge ( could you eat 14oz of cold refried beans? maybe a can of mackerel?) at lunch, to the Potato Toss and Semi Truck run last night. We will be down to our final 8 contestants after this morning and we will conclude the challenges NEXT TUESDAY during AG DAY. I have attached a couple of pictures if you are interested.
Some FFA members and I will be working at the Sloan gold course putting in some community service hours.
Sunday FFA members and I will be in Denison at the Iowa Berkshire Associations show Pig Sale. Some of the kids are really looking forward to purchasing some pigs for the summer
