WIT Scholarships
One of the reasons more students are choosing WITCC each year is because of the quality, affordable education that they will receive.More than half of all students who attend WITCC are planning on transferring to a four-year college or university so the cost-savings of a community college is becoming more appealing.In addition to lower tuition and fees (roughly $4,000 per year), many students who choose WITCC find out that they are also eligible for scholarships.One of the best things about our scholarships is that they are stackable!Students can receive more than one scholarship and can use the money toward tuition, fees, books, and student housing.There are MANY additional scholarships available to WITCC students.Below is a snapshot of a few of the more common scholarships.
Presidential Scholarship: $1,800 per year
·Student must have a 22 or higher on the ACT
·Student must have a 2.5 or higher high school GPA
College Now Grant: $1,200
·Student must have taken a course that counted as college credit while in high school (This is not limited to students who have taken classes through WITCC)
·Student must have a 2.0 GPA or higher in those college courses
Foundation Scholarship:Up to $1,500 per year
·Student is selected based on his or her essay and references
To learn more about scholarship opportunities visit www.witcc.edu/financial_aid/scholarships.cfm or call (712) 274.6402 or 1-800.352.4649