Do you practice taking the ACT or SAT? Would you like to increase your scores? This is a great opportunity that is being offered through the National Federation of State High School Associations. A nominal charge of $13.84 per standard program for the cost of materials, processing, distribution and customer service is the only fee to pay for this $199 program. For $13.84 you can't even go to the bookstore to buy a practice book. Follow my link to take advantage of this great offer.
For five years the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) and eKnowledge LLC, a leading provider of educational materials, have partnered to provide free SAT & ACT test prep programs to NFHS member state associations, and their students, parents, educators, coaches and administrators across America.In 2005, eKnowledge formed Sponsorship Alliance Partnerships with caring athletes from the NFL and MLB, as well as over 30 corporations, foundations, and not-for-profit organizations. With the support of its
sponsorship alliance, eKnowledge is able to donate $200 SAT and ACT College Test Prep programs to member schools and students in Iowa. The donated PowerPrep™ Programs (CD/DVD format) contain 170 video lessons, hundreds of practice questions with detailed explanations, 18 quizzes and over 40 hours of class work.The details of the program, including how to order on-line or by phone can be found at the following link
- http://www.iahsaa.org/resource_center/Academic_Assistance/eKnowledge_ACT_Flyer_092210.pdf