
    Guest Speakers in Mapleton on 10-3-11 on daughters and relationships

    The Ar-We-Va, Charter Oak-Ute, Maple Valley-Anthon Oto and Schleswig Schools are proud to bring this opportunity to our parents and we’re asking for help in WIDELY publicizing this event!

    All area parents/guardians/teachers of girls ~

    Please join us Monday, Oct. 3, 2011 in the MVAO High School Commons in Mapleton for a special FREE presentation by Blair Wagner and Jane Balvanz, The Female Friendship Experts and co-founders of A Way Through, LLC, from 6:30-8:00 PM.

    This Could Be the Most Important Step You Take in Helping Your Daughter Feel Empowered Enough to Solve Her Own Friendship Problems. Act Now and STOP the Hurting!

    About A Way Through, LLC

    Jane Balvanz and Blair Wagner are co-founders of A Way Through, LLC , a company devoted to helping parents and educators guide girls in grades K – 8 through painful friendships. A Way Through markets CDs, workbooks, parent guides, school posters, and role play cards – all products for successfully helping girls with friendship problems.

    Jane Balvanz has worked in the field of education for over twenty-five years as a preschool teacher, an elementary and junior high school teacher. She is a certified K-12 school counselor and is Registered Play Therapist.

    Blair Wagner is a professional Life Coach, Speaker and Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner. She serves as a leader in the coaching community in her capacity as Chapter President of the International Coach Federation of Eastern IA/Western IL.

    You can learn more about A Way Through, LLC and their products, programs, and services at


    Additional Media information can be found at: http://awaythrough.com/media.htm#newsreleases or by contacting:


    Phone: (319) 621-6381

    E-mail: blair@AWayThrough.com


    Phone: (319) 400-3741

    E-mail: jane@AWayThrough.com

    Thank you!

    Patti Ryan

    School Improvement Coordinator

    MVAO/Schleswig Schools

    501 S. 7th Street

    Mapleton, Iowa 51034

    712.881.1315 O

    712.269.1693 C

    712.881.1316 F
