Sept. 26, 2011
When Girls Hurt Girls®:
A special Parent Seminar for PARENTS
Mapleton, Iowa – Ar-We-Va, Charter Oak-Ute, Maple Valley-Anthon Oto and Schleswig Schools are hosting a free Parent Seminar on relational aggression (emotional bullying) for parents of girls in grades kindergarten through grade 8. Join us on Monday, Oct. 3 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at MVAO High School Commons, 501 S 7th Street, Mapleton, Iowa.
This Parent Seminar is FREE and is for any parent who would like to learn how to guide their daughter through painful friendships. This program, developed by www.AWayThrough.com, provides simple tips, powerful tools, and practical advice on coaching girls (grades k – 8) through hurtful friendships, or female bullying.
The journal of School Psychology indicates that over 150,000 children stay home from school each year due to relational aggression, and that girls are much more likely to be involved than boys. The behavior sometimes starts as young as preschool. One day, three girls are friends…and the next day, two decide to ignore the third. And girls tease other girls about their clothes, their hair, the way they walk or talk, and other physical and social attributes. This behavior sends clear messages that hurt: You don’t measure up. You don’t fit in. You don’t belong.
Relational aggression is common among girls and women, from the nursery to the nursing home. And according to co-founders of A Way Through, Jane Balvanz and Blair Wagner, the behavior can lead to self-mutilation, eating disorders, depression, or suicide. And it doesn’t have to be that way. Girls who learn to use their natural emotional and social ability to create friendships that feel good no longer need to hurt others.
“The parents of girls struggling with relational aggression want to help their daughters, but just don’t know how,” says Wagner. And according to Balvanz, a school counselor, they created the When Girls Hurt Girls® Parent Seminar to teach:
Optional ~ Register for this Parent Seminar by emailing pryan@mvaoschool.com
About A Way Through, LLC
A Way Through, LLC is devoted to helping parents and educators guide girls in grades kindergarten through grade 8 through painful friendships, when girls hurt girls. A Way Through offers CDs, DVDs, parent guides, girl guides, role play cards, and 1-on-1 friendship mentoring for girls and parents - all products and services for successfully helping girls with friendship problems.
Jane Balvanz, MSE, RPT has worked in the field of education for over twenty-five years as a preschool teacher, an elementary and junior high school teacher. She is a certified K-12 school counselor and is a Registered Play Therapist.
Blair Wagner, CPCC, ACC is a professional Life Coach, Speaker and Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner. She serves as a leader in the coaching community in her capacity as Founding President of the International Coach Federation of Eastern IA/Western IL.
You can learn more about A Way Through, LLC and their products, programs, and services at www.AWayThrough.com.