Reminder: Deadline is Feb 15, 2011
Cargill to Award 350 Scholarships for Class of 2011:
Cargill will award 350 scholarships of $1,000 each to high-school seniors who live in communities where Cargill has operations and plan to enroll in post-secondary education next fall. In addition, each recipient’s high school will receive a $200 grant. National FFA will process the applications and select the scholarship recipients, although students do not need to be FFA members to be eligible for Cargill’s program. Students are chosen based on academic achievement and leadership in extracurricular and community activities.
Scholarship guidelines and the application are available at www.cargill.com, keyword scholarship and www.ffa.org.
The application requires the signature of a local Cargill employee. Applications are due at 5pm EST on Feb 15, 2011.
Scholarships will be awarded in May 2011.
Please contact me with any questions.
Thank you,
Heather Nelson
Grain and Oilseed Supply Chain
1415 28th Street, Suite 400
West Des Moines, IA 50266
Office: 515-224-2615
Fax: 515-224-2651