TIRES, TIRES, TIRES is offering a $1,000 academic scholarship to a Sioux City area
student through its Driving Toward a Better Future! program. In addition, five (5) finalists who are not chosen for the scholarship will each receive a $200 certificate to be used at Tires Tires Tires. Students should be nominated by teachers, coaches, friends, mentors, family members or others who are personally acquainted with the student’s character. The focus of the nomination is to highlight students who show good character at school, at home, in the community and as a safe, responsible driver. Nominated students must be age 16 or older with a valid driver’s license, preparing to start their secondary education and currently attending a public, private, or parochial high school or a home school program within a 50 mile radius of Sioux City. The student must use the scholarship for a college, university, or vocational school. The deadline is early May.