North Star Community Union and the Iowa Credit Union Foundation are pleased to announce two scholarship programs.
The first program is the 2011 Family Involvement Board Scholarship, which is available through the Iowa Credit Union Foundation. This scholarship is for high school students with a projected graduation date of 2011.
Students should apply online at iowacreditunionfoundation.org/family-involvement-board-scholarship.cfm.
The second program available is the 2011 North Star Community Credit Union Scholarship. We will be awarding a $1,000 scholarship and two $500 scholarships to graduating seniors who are planning a post high school education. Students may visit the website www.nsccu.org for the entry form and rules.
Question concerning either scholarship should contact Haley Heims at (800) 848.5731 or Mrs. Oberg at the school. Entries must be submitted by February 4, 2011.