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College Goal---
Free FAFSA Help!
Are you overwhelmed while trying to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)?If so, you are not alone!College Goal Sunday is a grant funded program through the Lilly Endowment and the Lumina Foundation for Education and is managed by the YMCA of the USA.The goal of the event is to provide free, on-site assistance to families while filling of the FAFSA.Western Iowa Tech Community College will be hosting College Goal Sunday to help area students complete their FAFSA.Don’t let the name fool you, the event is actually being held on a Saturday.The event is run by volunteers from all of the area colleges and universities.The event is open to all students who are planning on pursuing post-secondary education at any school.There is no need to RSVP to this event.Additional information can be found at http://www.iowacgs.org/
What:College Goal Sunday (Free, on-site assistance to help students and parents complete the FAFSA)
Date:Saturday, February 26th
Time:9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where:Western Iowa Tech Community College, Sioux City; Robert H. Kiser Building (Building A); Entrance #1
What to Bring:Copy of 2010 Tax Returns (Both the parent’s and student’s returns)
Social Security Card
Driver’s License
Who Should Attend:The student planning on starting college in the Fall of 2011 and his or her parent(s) or guardian(s).