Seniors: Don't forget to check out Mrs. Oberg's BLOG page on the school's webpage www.westwood.k12.ia.us The website contains information on scholarships, obtaining your PIN number to fill out the FAFSA as well as ACT and college prep information.
Every senior should currently be filling out college applications. Many schools will waive the fee if you apply online. Some colleges will waive the application fee if you have a letter from your counselor. Keep an eye on application deadlines because they are quickly approaching. If there are particular schools you are interested in, check their websites for these dates. Look under their admissions office "tab" or under prospective students "tab". Every institution offers a different financial package and often this is how students make their final decision on where to attend. Know the admissions deadlines and priority deadlines for scholarships and financial aid.
In addition, students and parents should go to the website www.pin.ed.gov to obtain a pin number for financial aid forms. Both the student and the parent need a pin number before they can complete the FAFSA. The FAFSA is completed with the help of the PIN number and your parents tax form from the previous year.