A wiki administrator can change whether the blog, web calendar, and mailing list archive services are enabled or disabled for a wiki. You can't disable the wiki service.
If you disable a service and later reenable it, your content is still there.
You can also enable podcasts for the wiki's blog. Podcasts are downloadable radio- and TV-style shows. You can enable podcasts so that whenever you attach an audio or movie file to a new blog entry, it becomes available as a podcast. Any blog post with media can be subscribed to in iTunes.
To enable or disable wiki services:
While viewing a wiki's settings, click Services.
Select the services listed under "Group services" to enable them.
To disable them, deselect the services.
Click Save.
To enable blog podcasts:
While editing a wiki's settings, click Services.
Select "Blog."
Select "Create a podcast for this wiki's blog."
In iTunes Category, choose the category for these podcasts in iTunes.
Click Save.